ALBIUS SCHOOL’S 50th BIRTHDAY – Edmond Albius’biography

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Edmond Albius was born on August , the 9th 1829 in Saint-Suzanne in Reunion Island .

Edmond is a young orphan slave who is entrusted to a wealthy farmer Férréol Beaumont-Bellier at Sainte-Suzanne.

In 1841 when he was 12 years old , he discovered the method of manual fertilization of the vanilla. Thanks to him, his gesture is still perpetuated in all vanilla plantations around the world.

After the abolition of slavery in 1848, he was released and not rewarded for his discovery but ironically received the name  “Albius” which means   “Blanc” in Latin.

In 1852, after having committed a theft of jewelry, Edmond Albius was sentenced to 5 years of forced labor but thanks to the intervention of his former protector he was released 1 year later.

 He left Saint-Denis and returned to Sainte-Suzanne where he married and became a farm day laborer which is exhausting work and poorly paid.

He died in 1880 in the hospice of Sainte-Suzanne in the most extreme poverty.

Ce qu’il a découvert  Vanilla fertilization

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VanVanilla is the fruit of an orchid that comes from Central America. It was Edmond Albius, aged 12, who idiscovered the process of fertilizing a vanilla flower in Reunion in 1841. 

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