Today (february the 8th), it’s SAFER INTERNET DAY!!! On this occasion, find below the article written by one of our students for a safer use of the Internet:


Stay safe on your favorite site

Today the Internet is everywhere and used by everyone. Children are part of it and are using it earlier and earlier. Some people are not aware of the dangers and risks ok the Internet. This article was made to make these people aware of them.

At first, we will see the dangers :

– When you are on social medias, there is a lot of information, the content can be shocking, violent, bad. The repercussions are serious (traumas, behavioral, discorders…)

-Nobody likes to be abused and insulted. On the Internet, it is easy, everyone can be concerned (teenagers, adults …) Morever Internet is the best place for theese activities. People are addicted (more than 3 hours daily) and use it for everything.

-There are a lot of scams, you have to be careful because the Internet is not a game and can become real.

Now you know the dangers but it is essential to learn how to avoid them. We will give you some advice :

-It is very important to surf on Internet anonymously . For this you should not share your personal information

-Be careful when you receive an invatation from a person you don’t know .

-Do not follow accounts with offensive, sexuel or violent content.

-To avoid being bullied and hurt, don’t judge or criticize people. Be on your best behavior and no one will bothes you. If it happens to you, call an adult and only if it’s serious, call the police.

The most important advice is not to be on Internet all time, spend time with your friend, family, do sports… And all problems will stop. We are to much addicted.

To conclude the Internet is a very importantnew technology in our society. There are negative and positive points. In order to have only positive, we have to respesct the rules. If we make good use of Internet, everyone will be happy.

         A.B, 3e euro


Auteur: E.M.

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