Site officiel du collège de Bois de Nèfles


DAY 1 (Thomas and Salome)


First, we arrived at the airport Roland Garros at 5.00 am and they checked our luggage.

Then we took the plane to go to Mauritius island. After, we changed our plane to go to South Africa and we spent 5.30 hours in the plane. We had a breakfast at 10.00 am in the plane and we had a sandwich at 1.35 pm. When we arrived in South Africa, our luggage wasn’t there and we gave our ticket to get our luggage back. It was very annoying…


Then we ate at “SPUR RESTAURANT” it was very nice, we had a menu composed of a hamburger,potatos,onions,beef and for some people they had a salad with chicken,onions and potatoes and we drank coke,sprite,fanta and water. After that, we took the bus and we spent 6 hours in the bus to go to Mossel bay where is our resort. We had a break in the afternoon,

And we took the bus again to go to Mossel bay. For dinner we ate at the same restaurant as the lunch. After we went to the resort.


( NOTE DU WEBMESTRE : les articles suivants seront disponibles en première page , sous la galerie photos ; vous les retrouverez aussi dans le menu “actualités” et “south africa 2015”