Students from Roland Garros high school in London

Trip to london 04/05/2024 – 18/05/2024
section: DNL anglais – SPE AMC
In May, students from different classes, english levels and ages got the chance to go to London.
Accompanied by three teachers, we students consider this to have been a wonderful experience
which brought us knowledge about economics, history and the social environment of London. We
got the opportunity to be housed by londonian families and took the Tube (London underground)
every morning and evening which provided a sense of freedom because depending on the
families, you could come home more or less late. For school, We studied english in an
international school every afternoon.
Nevertheless, we didn’t just go to school (the trip would have been boring then), we visited
diverse places from the city. From important places like the CBD (Canary Wharf) or political places
( Buckingham Palace, House of Parliament with Big Ben). But also, touristic places like Madame Tussaud, neighborhoods (Camden Town), and parks. Just next to our school, we had Hyde park which is London’s biggest park. It is a beautiful place with big green spaces and animals like ravens, swans ….Overall, the atmosphere is very chill and you can go there to hang out with your family or friends. Furthermore, during the weekend, we went to Brighton and Cambridge which are two
cities located next to London. The first one is a seaside resort. Meanwhile the second one is
famous for its university as it is the UK’ second oldest one.
Then, London could be characterized as unique and more opened to foreigners than other big
cities. It definitely is a city for students as it is cosmopolitan and lively. We can see brain drain with the big flow of international students and migrants from around the world. So, in this way, we can talk about multiculturalism in London especially seen with food (chicken tikka masala for instance). Some of the families that welcomed us represented this multiculturalism with some of them being turkish, mauritian, jamaican or sri lankan. Actually, the majority of the students lived in an area in London called « Ilford » where a lot of cultures are mixed. In London, many areas are proper to some communities like Notting Hill and its caribbean community (famous for its colourful houses). In a way, this diversity is one of London’s charms where every district has an identity and is worth visiting. Finally, we did quite a lot of shopping with Shopping streets and centres such as Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus or Westfield Stratford. But, the most impressive
one was the biggest shopping centre in Europe aka Westfield at Sheperd’s Bush. There, you can find multiple shops going from luxurious ones to more affordable options.
Written by Laura, Victoria, Charlotte