Petit bilan de nos activités en 2nde Euro Anglais, 2020-2021
Voici un compte-rendu des diverses activités que nous avons effectuées cette année, en matière d’échanges internationaux, dans ce contexte si particulier d’impossibilité d’organiser des voyages physiques…
Rendez-vous sur notre Padlet: et sur notre Twinspace:
By Augustin
This year, in the European section, in order to internationalize our experience and speak English, we had the chance to exchange with Austrian and Australian high school students. Through our discussions, we were asked to present our island in videos: one more focused on what makes the culture of Reunion and the other on activities related to eco-responsible tourism. We also participated in a competition to create a logo to show the union between Reunion and Austria. In this spirit of openness, we have reflected on the differences in the quality of life between our territories. These different projects have been very exciting.
Cette année, en section européenne, afin d’internationaliser notre expérience et de parler anglais, nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir échanger avec des lycéens autrichiens et australiens. A travers nos discussions, nous avons été amenés à présenter notre île dans le cadre de vidéos : une plus axée sur ce qui fait la culture réunionnaise et l’autre sur des activités en lien avec le tourisme écoresponsable. Nous avons également participé à un concours de création d’un logo pour montrer l’union entre la Réunion et l’Autriche. Dans cet esprit d’ouverture, nous avons réfléchi aux différences de qualité de vie entre nos territoires. Ces différents projets ont été très enthousiasmants.
This year in the European class, we have been able to participate in many international projects that have been very exciting. We had a exchange with the Gymnasium Schillerstrasse in Feldkirch, Austria and with Reynella Est College, near Adelaide at the end of the year.
Today I am going to present you the several activities in which we participated this school year 2020-2021.
First of all, we made a logo showing the correspondance between our school and the Gymnasium Schillerstrasse, on E-twinning.
Then we made short films about our surroundings in groups, which were very interesting to make.
Then we made a survey and analysed the answers to compare life in Reunion and Austria. I found this activity difficult because the computer part was new for me and quite challenging. However, the result was interesting and instructive.
Finally, we finished the year with a film about a 10-day virtual ecological vacation to present our island to Australians and Austrians. I really enjoyed this activity, the fact of introducing our island and discovering the place and the different cultures of the other countries but especially of being able to see and hear them even if it was through the camera!
Our year in the European class
During this year, we worked with different countries, Austria and Australia. To work with these 2 countries we were communicating by a Padlet and eTwinning. The first task we did is the logo, we all created logos and agreed to choose one that would represent our project. The second task was to make a short film in groups to introduce where we are living. The third task we did was a survey to know more about the quality of life in the different countries we partnered with, this task were about asking them different questions like “Do you think pollution is a problem in your country?” to analyse the results in graph and post them on the site. The last task was again a short film, but this time we were showing them the activities you can do on Reunion Island in a period of 10 days in the most sustainable way possible.
Our activities in the European section
Hello everyone! In this article, you will see what we did in the European section. During this year, we worked with two another schools: Gymnasium Schillerstraße in Feldkirch (Austria) and Reynella East College in South Australia.
- The logo contest
At the beginning of the year, we needed a logo for our eTwinning project, so we did a little contest.
There were a lot of beautiful logos to choose from, and the winning logo was this one:
- Short films about our countries
Then, we had the task to present our cities through little movies. We talked about the landscapes, our town, our way to school, sports, food, leisure activities, …
- Questions about living conditions
Afterward, we wrote questions to ask the other country about quality of life and sustainable development. We voted for the ten most appropriate questions, and answered a survey.
- Analysis of our answers
After the survey, we analysed the data. We made graphs and wrote a little text to try to explain the answers. Some of these answers were really surprising!
- Sustainable Tourism
Finally, we made videos on sustainable tourism. We imagined a ten-day holiday of our country for the others schools, taking into account sustainability.
We asked ourselves these questions: What activities will they do? What will they eat? Where will they go? Where will they stay? How will they travel?
- My opinion
The activity I liked the most: The logo contest, I like to draw, so everything related to art is something I love.
The activity I found the most difficult: The short films about our countries, it was during the holiday and it was a group project, the communication was tough.