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« Être Homme, c’est être responsable » Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Leading Lights aux Avirons !

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Nous allons avoir l’honneur et le plaisir d’accueillir 23 partenaires européens de notre projet Erasmus+ Leading Lights au lycée à...

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Last days

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Saturday was our last day in Australia. After a beginning of the day with the host families, we all gathered once again, this time in...

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Friday 16th Rottnest Island

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Today , it’s Rottnest Island !! We went by train and boat to this island which is famous because of the presence of Quokkas, a little...

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Visit of Adelaide oval stadium and shopping 15th of march

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Adelaide Oval Stadium: SPECIAL REPORT FROM LOUIS Adelaide oval stadium is a cricket ground in Adelaide, but on this stadium you can play...

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Trip to Kangaroo Island day two 14th of March

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SPECIAL REPORT FROM MARIE FERTÉ AND EMMA FABIANI   The program this morning : At 7.00 in the morning we had a quick run for the...

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Trip to Kangaroo Island for the Adelaïde Team 13th of March

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SPECIAL REPORT FROM MARIE RAMIN AND SOLENNE ROUDAUT First day at Kangaroo Island   To go to Kangaroo Island we took the ferry Then we went...

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2nd week: Wednesday 14th

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Aujourd’hui pour commencer la journée nous avons deux heures de cours, pour moi c’était de l’anglais. Leurs travaille était d’inventer une...

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Second week: Tuesday 13th

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Today was the most exhausting but amazing day ! We met at 8:00 am and jumped in the bus for 1 hour of travel. We stopped at Caversham...

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Cleland Wild life Park 8th of March

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Journée d’excursion consacrée à la découverte de la faune si spécifique de l’Australie. C’est Monsieur Smith qui jouera...

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Weekenders again

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Vendredi 09 mars 2018 en sortant du lycée nous sommes directement parties avec nos familles direction la plage et le soir nous avons goûté...

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