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« Être Homme, c’est être responsable » Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Day 4 in Perth, Fremantle

Mis en ligne par le 1 Mar 2020 dans Australie, International, Non classé, Vie du lycée | Commentaires fermés sur Day 4 in Perth, Fremantle

Perth trip (27 février 2020) by Héry   Today, we went to Fremantle to make an excursion. After we met each other in the school, our day really began at 10am.  In the shipwreck museum Indeed, we visited the shipwreck museum of Fremantle. The museum is recognized as the foremost maritime archaeology museum in the southern hemisphere. We saw hundreds of relics from shipwrecks from17th and 18th centuries. It’s amazing because all these objects reflect an era that marked the beginning of Australia. People came to Australia during...

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Fun weekend

Mis en ligne par le 1 Mar 2020 dans Australie | Commentaires fermés sur Fun weekend

Gabrielle R. Friday night we went to the Fringe festival and I went on the Kamikaze ride and the trampoline ride. (picture 1) It was so much fun. It’s a very popular event in Australia and there were a lot of people attending. It was in the city and the main street was decorated for the occasion with lots of lights and street shows. (picture 2) Then we went to an aboriginal documentary show, it was a dark room with lots of lights on the walls. It was very informative and beautiful to see. (picture 3) Saturday morning was relaxing time...

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Friday at Reynella

Mis en ligne par le 29 Fév 2020 dans Australie, Vie du lycée | Commentaires fermés sur Friday at Reynella

This friday we tried the australian football (footy) with some chineses, japanese and korean students . This sport is very hard because it looks like basketball, rugby and soccer: we have to use our feet and hands.But we still had a funny time. Then,  we have followed our buddies in class as the legal study. In this class, students are making researches on crimes like the murder of three young women. I think that it’s an interessant subject because it based on real fact . Ce vendredi, nous avons essayé le football australien (foot)...

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Wildlife and Victor Harbor REC Day 4

Mis en ligne par le 27 Fév 2020 dans Australie | Commentaires fermés sur Wildlife and Victor Harbor REC Day 4

Today we left for Urimbirra wildlife which is 40 minutes drive from Reynella east college. We saw several animals including cute birds that came on us (cf. Photo 1), but also kangaroos! Moreover we had the chance to feed them (cf. Photo 2), even if at the beginning we were a bit afraid because some of them have a very developed musculature and therefore rather terrifying we have  much fun and this moment will surely remain engraved in our heads forever. Then we could observe koalas and even touch them (cf. Photo 3)! They were really very...

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School day 3

Mis en ligne par le 27 Fév 2020 dans Australie | Commentaires fermés sur School day 3

Jour 3 : Un jour d’école plein de découvertes Nous avons passé la journée au Reynella East College, l’école de nos correspondants. Le matin, nous avons participé à un cours de cuisine durant lequel nous avons cuisiné des « Anzac biscuits ». C’était une super expérience de participer à ce cours de cuisine et cela nous a permit de découvrir des cours que nous n’avons pas à la Réunion. Ensuite, nous nous sommes séparés, et nous sommes allés chacun de notre côté dans les cours de notre correspondant. Pour ma...

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Perth, cooking Anzac biscuits

Mis en ligne par le 26 Fév 2020 dans Australie, International, Vie du lycée | Commentaires fermés sur Perth, cooking Anzac biscuits

Aujourd’hui les impressions de Victoire Day 4, 26/02/2020 School day in Perth Modern School At 08:00 a.m, Naya, Marion, our hosts and I met at a bakery and decided to go to school together. We talked and listened to music on the road. The weather was really good. Once at school, Marion joined Aleka and I in a cooking class. It was totally new for us, as french students, to cook at school. We made Dahl, a typical Indian food. It was great/good and we really enjoyed it! After 2 hours of cooking we had a break. We sat down in circle on the...

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Perth, Day 2, visite du centre ville

Mis en ligne par le 25 Fév 2020 dans Australie, Informations, International, Non classé, Section DNL Anglais/SES, Sur le web, Vie du lycée | Commentaires fermés sur Perth, Day 2, visite du centre ville

Mes impressions pour cette journée , par Alexandre Almarcha     Aujourd’hui, nous avons pu visiter le centre-ville de Perth avec la classe entière. Un guide nous a accompagné dans notre parcours afin de nous raconter l’histoire de la ville. On a donc pu aller à de très beaux endroits, et prendre des photos ce qui est bien.     So, for me, I really enjoyed this walking tour, I had fun with the others. This city is very big and its history is interesting. Me and one of my best friends made some shopping,...

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Day 2: strolling around the city centre by Soha

Mis en ligne par le 25 Fév 2020 dans Australie | Commentaires fermés sur Day 2: strolling around the city centre by Soha

This day was super nice, we had a great time with our buddies and friends, we laughed, ate, talked…. It’s surprising to share so much with people we know just since yesterday. First of all, we visited the old library of Adelaide, it was very impressive to see all these old books so well maintained and to be able to touch them… Then we went to the Adelaide Museum, where we learned more about the history, culture and specimens of Australia. It was very interesting! After that we went shopping, we ate and finally we visited...

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Reynella East

Mis en ligne par le 25 Fév 2020 dans Australie | Commentaires fermés sur Reynella East

Voici un lien vers le site de Reynella East College, avec un article sur notre visite.

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Adelaide Day 1

Mis en ligne par le 25 Fév 2020 dans Australie, Vie du lycée | Commentaires fermés sur Adelaide Day 1

Saturday 22nd of february 2020 : Our trip started at rolland garros Airport, in réunion island, then we went to Perth, in plane, with an escale in Mauritius. At Perth a part of the students met their host family but for nine of us, like me, Perth was just on the way to go to Adélaïde. Sunday 23rd of February : We just arrive to Adélaïde and all our host familys are waiting for us, they are so friendly and kind. We just went « home », take a shower, eat and go to bed because we were to tired and the next day will be a long day. Monday 24th of...

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